How much is my house actually worth?
The price of a property often sparks an interest of potential buyers. If you aim too low, you suffer financial loss. If you overestimate the value, the property will not sell. An accurate valuation in line with the current property market is the most underestimated step in a sales process. Don't get caught in this trap! Consult a certified real estate agent whose professional experience and expertise will ensure you get the correct information.
The property market is a continually evolving
Some factors always play a part in property valuations. Others, that also have a defining impact, can evolve over the years. New energy standards, emerging housing trends, the current interest rate or the valuation of a certain neighbourhood can influence the value of a property. It is crucial to take all factors into account. One element can actually push the value up or down. Therefore a property valuation is most certainly not a unfouded guessing game.
3 keys to a correct valuation of your home
1. Location, location, location
The location of your property is a decisive factor. Think in broader terms than just the accessibility from major traffic axes and the location opposite the village centre, public transport, schools or catering establishments. The orientation of the house and possible garden, the width of the building plot, the surrounding buildings and environment (countryside, city) also play a crucial role in determining the correct land value.
2. Year built and condition of the house
No arguing about matters of taste: some people are looking for a ready-to-use home and others like to give it a finishing touch. Nevertheless, the general condition of the house is a determining factor. Using the year of construction as a starting point, we look at the construction method and degree of renovation. In addition, the quality an level of finishing can sometimes make a big difference. In addition, the EPC value of the property is also considered.
3. The house inside and out