Do you want to have a binding valuation of a property as part of an inheritance? Our highly experienced valuation expert and business manager Wim will be pleased to help you.

Why choose us?

  • A certified appraiser with many years of experience and broad expertise
  • Binding estimates for inheritance declarations
  • Regular courses and training
  • Quality label of the Flemish Tax Administration
  • Honest, sincere, and professional approach
  • Transparent quotation
More about us
Waarom voor ons kiezen

What is a binding valuation of real estate in an inheritance (Vlabelschatting)?

Our appraiser determines the value of a property within the framework of an inheritance. The valuation report drawn up for the Flemish Tax Administration must satisfy several formal requirements as well as quality requirements. The realistic value established by the valuation expert is accepted by the Flemish Tax Administration as binding. If the real estate is nevertheless sold for a higher price, no penalty or additional inheritance tax has to be paid.

The preparation of this extensive appraisal report is a paid service.

Contact our manager Wim Stroobants for a quotation without any obligations.

How does our appraiser proceed?

Request of quotation for Vlabel estimation

Since valuation reports in the context of inheritance declarations are fee-based, our team first makes you an offer. Once you agree, our expert assessor gets to work.

Appointment for a home visit

As every property is unique, our appraiser and manager Wim Stroobants will personally visit your premises.

Extensive home visit by our appraiser

Our appraiser pays a thorough visit to your property, mapping all relevant aspects. He thoroughly examines all rooms, both inside and outside. He takes the necessary measurements and examines all aspects that can influence the asking price positively or negatively. All findings are recorded in great detail so that the final report meets the necessary quality requirements.

Assembling documents and certificates

As with the preparation of a sale, all available certificates and documents are collected. This concerns, among other things, the soil certificate, the urban real estate information, an inspection report of the electrical installation and the energy performance certificate (EPC).

Mapping reference points

The appraiser charts recent transactions of similar houses in the vicinity. By making a comparison, he also proves the correctness of his valuation.

Extensive appraisal report

The end result is therefore a particularly detailed report with a valuation that cannot be reversed. The document meets all formal and quality requirements of the Flemish Tax Authorities. You can therefore submit this part of your tax return without any worries.

Hoe gaat onze schatter te werk

Looking for a recognized valuation expert to help you with your succession?

Contact our business manager Wim for an obligation-free consultation!

Contact Wim Achtergrond